Friday, March 27, 2009

Sand in My Suit

Hey, shoppers! Want to head to the shore, but can't find the time? No problem! OPI has got it covered, bringing you all your least favorite beach vacation moments in the form of nail polish!

(photo by Suzanna)

If you're like me, you love sitting in the baking hot sun, slowly turning more and more red, knowing that later, you will be not only exquisitely unattractive but also in intense pain. And you can't get enough of being surrounded on all sides by sorority girls wearing about six square inches of fabric and treating the area as their own private mating ground, not to mention the fifty-year-old matrons who think they're sorority girls and apparently shop at the same place.

But this doesn't quite capture the beach experience--you could do all of this at the local pool. That's why OPI has gone one step further and provided Sand in My Suit! Because your genitalia just wasn't chafed enough.

Coming soon: A Jellyfish Stung Me in the Eye, The Cute Lifeguard Snubbed Me, and My Baby Sister Crawled Into the Ocean and I Arrived Just Too Late to Save Her!


  1. So funny! I especially love this: "Coming soon: A Jellyfish Stung Me in the Eye, The Cute Lifeguard Snubbed Me, and My Baby Sister Crawled Into the Ocean and I Arrived Just Too Late to Save Her!"

    And that Sand in my Suit? Not only an ugly name but a hideous color as well. (Sure, I want some toxic-waste yellow on my nails so that it looks like I have a fungus problem. Yeah!)

  2. I know! That color is disgusting! The only good thing I can say about it is that it's at least kind of the color of sand (I'm looking at you, Raven Red). But really, we both know that this is no excuse.

  3. Cackling Crawdads, that 'jellyfish' line made me laugh so hard I thought i was going to pee.

  4. This was on the list of the best somewhere... ;)
